L o g i n H a s ł o
Short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) migration map

wersja polska - kliknij



The labeled short-toed eagle is an adult female trapped in the place nearby the nest. The bird after ringing and the transmitter mounting 2 hours later returned to the nest. As it turned out soon the female in search of food began taking more frequent and longer trips and the half-day absence at the nest has become the norm. But that's another story ....

To keep the exact nest location secret the report of its migration starts from the Lublin region ornithological border.

Short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) - migration map.


Pokaż Trasa wędrówki gadożera(Circaetus gallicus) / Short-toed eagle (Circaetus gallicus) migration map. na większej mapie 





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